
Obama creates history

Obama wins the Presidential Elections in the US, the first African - American to do so.Barack Obama rode the perfect storm of anti-incumbency discontent, the hunger for change, and an America in social and demographic transition to fashion the most incredible electoral victory, the scope and scale of which will be discussed for decades. His most remarkable feat was to transcend racial barriers. Although he openly identified himself as an African-American or black, his politics was not aimed at solely the black electorate, like most African-American politicians tend to do. Instead, he reached out to the new America, and this multi-hued kaleidoscopic nation, where the current white majority will be a minority by 2042 (and the current minority will be a majority), responded like never before. The Republicans tried to subtly stir up the racial angle, speaking about ‘‘real America’’ and ‘‘pro-America parts of the country’’, thinly disguised euphemisms for white support. It didn’t work. They missed the change; the real America was a new America and it was not just white.Even as recently as a few weeks back, talk of victory was weighed down with concern over a possible Bradley Effect — a scenario where white voters would hold back from supporting Obama despite promising to do so. It turned out to be a false alarm. ‘‘Some Bradley Effect, huh?’’ grunted Republican pundit William Bennett. ‘‘The country has grown up.’’

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